Moms Talk about Pregnancy and Childbirth at Age 40 and Older
Submissions (approx. 1500 words apiece) are sought for a planned collection of firsthand, nonfiction narratives about the personal experience of pregnancy, up to and including childbirth, among mothers age 40 and older. As a woman who gave birth at 41, I plan to bring together diverse personal narratives from other 40-plus mothers in an accessible collection. A search for a publisher is under way and will not be limited to academic presses, since this collection is meant to serve scholars as well as a wide popular audience.
Please send submissions and queries to or to with "40 MOMS" in subject header. Include complete contact information.
Hard copies may be directed to:
Nathalie op de Beeck, Associate Professor
Department of English
Pacific Lutheran University
227K Hauge Admin. Bldg.
Tacoma, WA 98447-0001
Deadline: July 15, 2011 (this may be flexible-please contact me if you wish to submit a piece!)