Joeita Gupta is a champion of dis/ability, student and community rights in Toronto. She currently serves as Vice-President External at the Association of Part-Time Students. She also has taken a lead role organizing in opposition to the Toronto Pan Am Games and in the Fight Fees Coalition at the University of Toronto.
Ayshia Musleh has worked as a community organizer and advocate in the city of Toronto for nearly eight years. Ayshia has particular interest and focus in mental health, disability rights and racialized communities and advocates for full inclusion of everyone specifically marginalized communities in society working from an anti-racist, anti-oppression, feminist, holistic intersecting/interlocking approach. She obtained her Masters of Arts from York University in 2006.
anna Saini is a practicing radical, recovering academic and aspiring writer living, breathing and burning in the city that is rising up from the ashes. Catch her documenting the struggle at You can also view her online resume at
annu saini is a poet, activist, lover, fighter, psychiatric and domestic abuse survivor. She has performed at Mayworks festival, Pride, Nuite Blanche, and Granny Boots. She is a former organizer at Solidarity Across Borders, QPIRG-Concordia and currently works with DAMN 2025. She works as a music and events programmer and sometime co-host with the FF-WPR collective.