Monday, January 11, 2010

January 10th

Today, Frequency Feminisms heard clips from the vigil held in rememberance of the four migrant construction workers who plummitted to their deaths on Christmas eve. A fifth worker was severely injured and will likely be hospitalized for life. The speakers at the vigil stressed the need for status for all, immediately upon landing in Canada. They talked about the role of undocumented (non-status) workers in the so-called underground economy. Migrant workers work in the construction, agriculture, hospitality sectors amongst others. In this instance, the workers were provided faulty safety harnesses as they worked on a swing stage that broke, to repair the 13th floor balcony of a building on Kipling Avenue. The issue of non-status workers needs to be made a priority within the organized labour movement. The issue of status is at the heart of this tragedy that could have been prevented. The only way to ensure that all workers are assured their rights and know to ask for their rights without fear of reprisals is to ensure status for all. The speakers stressed as well that this was a moment to continue the fight as well as to mourn. Our collective continued the discussion, providing a history of immegration practices in Canada, talking about the role of women and the impact on the community. In a few weeks, please tune in for an interview with some of the women organizing with J4MW.

The vigil was organized by Justicia for Migrant Workers and No One is Illegal.

Music by Neena Simone

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